
Sunday 17 January 2021

How to generate a QR code and save it.

 This lesson will show you how to generate a QR code and save it in a folder

Don't be intimidated by QR codes. They're much easier to tackle than you may think. As usual I will be posting as many screenshots as is needed in order to make the tutorial easy to follow. I am working in Paintshop pro 2020 for graphics and word for everything else. My operating system is Windows 10.
If you right click on any graphic and choose the "open link in new tab" option, it will open up a large 'easier to see' image.
If you're ready, Let's get going.
Example: You've found an article or video which you would like to share with someone. You could of course type out the whole of the website address as it is in the search bar, but that's long. So instead, we're going to add a QR code which can be simply scanned by the recipient. 
First of all let's go and grab the website address to the article you want.
I'm going to choose a subject I've been writing about.
I'm going to click on that magazine. 
You go and choose what it is you wish to generate a QR code for.
Once you've selected what you want, go up to the search bar. Highlight the website address and choose "copy" [Be sure to follow the screenshots below carefully]

Point your mouse cursor to the search bar and click right, you will now have a small multi choice box appear. Choose "Copy" now we're going to go to generate the QR code.
Click here and a new window will open. You will now be on the QR code Monkey website. There are many different QR code websites, I just happen to like this one.
Once you've tackled the tutorial, you can go and choose whichever QR code website you prefer.

OK! Highlight the QR code URL [see arrow] delete that then right click and choose the paste option. [see screenshot below]

As you can now see, [No.1] you've pasted the website address which you want on the QR code generator. [No.2] Go on over and click "create QR code"  Then [No.3] "download PNG".  
 [See screenshot below]

All that's left now is to save it. Notice down in the left hand corner [see black arrow below] 

Click on the "save as" option. Locate the folder you want to save it to.

Re-name the file if you want to or leave it as it is. Save your work.
There you have it.
How to generate a QR code and save it.
If you enjoyed this tutorial please let others know where to come.

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